Pay just $79.99 for $100 DoorDash gift cards when you buy them in-store at Costco Warehouse locations. There is a limit of three gift cards per customer.
So far this discount has only been observed at Costco in Ringwood, Victoria, but it’s likely that it would also be available at other warehouse locations around Australia.
20% off is exceptionally good for DoorDash gift cards as the standard offer on these gift cards nowadays is only around 10-12% cashback or 20x rewards points.
For those unfamiliar with Costco, a paid membership (starting at $65/year) is required to shop there. Costco also have some impressive long running discounts on other gift cards such as Accor, Luxury Escapes, Binge and Kayo.
Thanks to 1030510410 on OzBargain for finding this offer.